The home and garden boom that started with more people staying at home during the pandemic will continue in 2023, according to the editors of HG&H.

Millions of Americans are creating home sanctuaries and lush backyard gardens as they enjoy their own homemade retreats. The top 5 home and garden trends for 2023 will encourage homeowners and renters to spend even more time at home.
Trend #1: Tropical Houseplant Jungle
The houseplant boom will continue as more households add tropical and exotic plants to their indoor spaces. Indoor gardeners are increasingly adding more exotic varieties. Sales are booming at Logee’s Tropical Plants in CT. What’s selling are fruiting, rare and tropical plants that can be grown indoors in containers.
Trend #2: Meadow Gardens Go Mainstream
As lawns get downsized and fussy flowers have fallen out of favor, America is in a mini meadow boom. Meadows consist of wildflower plants, which can be easily grown from seed. The flowers are gorgeous, and they help feed and sustain native pollinators.
Trend #3: A Natural, Chemical-free Paradise
Younger homeowners have fully embraced the “organic lifestyle,” which is founded upon a chemical-free environment in their homes and gardens. For example, instead of using harsh chemicals to control fungus gnats in potted plants, a natural bacterium called BTI is being used to naturally kill the fungus gnat larvae. BTI products like Mosquito Bits are easy to use and free of chemicals.
Trend #4: Clean Cordless Electric Tools
The modern home combines a love for the latest technology with a new-found appreciation for battery powered tools. Sales of efficient cordless electric vacuum cleaners are growing and and even cordless electric chain saws.
Trend #5: Homestead Values in the Suburbs
Nothing demonstrates the suburban dream of homesteading like having a few chickens in the backyard. The Millennial generation has embraced the practice of building a small chicken coop and keeping a small flock of egg-laying hens. It might not be possible to be truly self-sufficient in a suburban home, but that doesn’t stop families from planting vegetable gardens and keeping chickens. The dream of suburban homesteading is alive and well, and ‘chicken ladies’ are the new ‘cat ladies.’