Pennantia Baylisiana: Did You Know?
Pennantia baylisiana, often hailed as the "world's rarest tree," is a remarkable example of…
Hibiscus Tea: Did You Know?
Hibiscus tea, made from dried Hibiscus sabdariffa petals, is vibrant red with a tangy flavor. Rich…
The Amazon Rainforest: Did You Know?
Did you know that the Amazon Rainforest produces 20% of the world's oxygen?
Orlaya Grandiflora: Did You Know?
Orlaya grandiflora, commonly known as the white lace flower, is a fascinating and ornamental plant…
Osa Pulchra: Did You Know?
The Osa Pulchra, a remarkable and scarce species, is native to the lush and biodiverse landscapes…
Exciting New Cercis Canadensis Varieties
New Cercis canadensis varieties bring vibrant colors and easy care, enhancing gardens across CA…
Prostrate Blue Violet (Viola Walteri) – Did You Know?
Viola walteri, or Walter's violet, is a mat-forming plant native to the eastern U.S., known for its…
The Power of Horticultural Therapy: Growing and Healing
Discover the transformative power of horticultural therapy, blending gardening with rehabilitation…
Rare Succulents: Jewels of California’s Landscape
California's rare succulents: resilient beauties vital to biodiversity in diverse landscapes, from…
Fig ‘GE Neri’ (Ficus carica): Did You Know?
Experience the allure of ‘GE Neri’ fig: prized for its colossal size, rich flavor, and versatility,…
New Tomato Enhancement Boosts Health Benefits
Discover the health-boosting power of anthocyanin-enriched tomatoes, revolutionizing nutrition and…
Cicada Spectacle 2024: Rare Simultaneous Emergence
Rare event: cicada broods XIX & XIII emerge simultaneously in 2024. Experience nature's wonder and…
Nature’s Resilient Strategies of Trees
Discover how trees adapt to withstand winds: from flexible willows to sturdy oaks, nature's…
Butterfly Iris: Did You Know?
Iris 'Nada' (Butterfly Iris) is an exquisite evergreen plant that can form large open clumps in…
Genetic Modification: Enhancing Crop Sustainability
In the quest to meet the ever-growing global food demand, the innovation of genetically modified…
Subterranean Tree Species Unveiled in Angola
The discovery of two underground tree species in Angola, Baphia arenicola and Cochlospermum…