Rosie The Riveter: The “We Can Do It!” Rose
In an effort to help to ensure that the contributions of women who worked on the Home Front during…
Matilija Poppies: The Enchanting Giants of The Wildflower World
Romneya coulteri, is commonly known as the California tree poppy or Matilija poppy.
Moon Gardens: Did You Know?
A moon garden, often referred to as a "white garden," is a captivating landscape designed to…
A Romantic Love Story of Cultivating Roses Together
In a world where relationships often form the foundation of beautiful stories, there are instances…
The Silphium Plant: Did You Know?
The “miracle” plant Silphium consumed by Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, which was thought…
The Riddle of The “Crestline Mulberry” Rose Solved
How various roses have survived to puzzle us with their quiet beauty is a question that often hides…
The Thousand Year Rose: Did You Know?
The Thousand-year Rose is also known as the Rose of Hildesheim. It grows on a wall of a Catholic…
A Story of The Monarch Butterfly & Milkweed
This tale begins in a lush meadow, where an almost magical bond between monarch butterflies and…
Narrowleaf Milkweed & Butterflies: Did You Know?
For California, the best milkweed species to support monarch butterflies and other pollinators is…
4 Most Popular Classes of Plants In America
The United States boasts an incredible diversity of flora, with numerous plants capturing the…
The Meaning of Bonsai: Did You Know?
Bonsai is the art of cultivating miniature trees, creating beautifully intricate and artistic…
Tropical Costa Rica Trip with Garden America
Join Garden America for a tropical Costa Rica vacation with an optional 3-night jungle adventure…
9 Easy Steps To Start Roses From Cuttings
Rooting roses from cuttings is an easy and fun way to start new plants, especially on varieties no…
Hakea Laurina Tas: Did You Know?
Hakea is a genus of flowering plants that belong to the Proteaceae family, primarily found in…
Tips For Saving Plants From EXTREME Heat
Overall, plants are naturally equipped with a variety of mechanisms to protect themselves from…
The Largest Aquatic Plant: Did You Know?
The largest aquatic plant is Victoria amazonica with massive floating leaves measuring up to 9.8…