Rainbow Swiss Chard: Did You Know?
Rainbow Swiss Chard, is a visually stunning and nutritionally potent leafy green. It's a variant of…
Agapanthus: Growing Tips, Exciting Varieties, and Breeding Advances
Elevate your garden with Agapanthus: vibrant blooms, growing tips, and exciting varieties. Explore…
Sensory Gardens – Engaging Nature’s Allure: Did You Know?
Explore sensory gardens - a therapeutic oasis with textures, colors, scents, tastes, and sounds.…
Gardening Trends In 2024: What’s Blooming in Backyards?
In the ever-evolving world of garden design, staying abreast of the latest trends is key for anyone…
Growing Gorgeous Camellias: A Quick Guide for Success
Cultivate stunning camellias effortlessly with our quick guide. From planting to care, grow…
2024 Garden Resolutions: Cultivating a Thriving Oasis
As the clock strikes midnight and we usher in the new year, it's the perfect time for garden…
Poinsettias Care & Interesting Facts: Tips for Success
Master poinsettias care with our expert tips! Explore fascinating facts and ensure success in…
The Buzz about Bees: Top Plants to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden
In the vibrant world of gardening, there's a secret to cultivating a thriving, buzzing ecosystem…
Thanksgiving vs. Christmas Cactus: Blooms, Leaves, and Care
The Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) are…
Fall Planting: California Natives for a Greener Garden
As the golden hues of autumn leaves capture our attention, California's gardening enthusiasts are…
Tips For Creating A Fragrant Garden
Creating a fragrant garden is akin to orchestrating a symphony of scents that provides not just a…
Growing Ornamental Gourds: Nature’s Artistic Canvas
Autumn brings a rich palette of colors to the natural world, and perhaps no element of the season…
Growing a Biblical Garden: Connecting with Ancient Scriptures through Plants
Throughout the Bible, various plants, trees, and herbs are mentioned, each holding significant…
5 Hot Weather Gardening Tips For Southern California
Here are a few ideas to help the garden make it though unusually hot weather in Southern…
Matilija Poppies: The Enchanting Giants of The Wildflower World
Romneya coulteri, is commonly known as the California tree poppy or Matilija poppy.
Narrowleaf Milkweed & Butterflies: Did You Know?
For California, the best milkweed species to support monarch butterflies and other pollinators is…